Is an Accounting Degree Worth It?

对会计专业毕业生的需求是显而易见的——全国范围内会计和审计员的就业增长率预计为11%.2% by 2029, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This growth necessitates a strong pipeline of accounting graduates. However, 不是每个人都能成为一名会计师——加入这个不断发展的领域需要非常具体的课程.

But how can you tell if an accounting degree is worth it? We’ve compiled information on job growth, 职业前景和会计学位的好处来帮助你确定会计学位是否适合你.

Is Accounting a Good Major?

The short answer is a resounding yes. If you want to work in accounting, finance or business, 获得会计学士或硕士学位对你的职业生涯来说是一笔巨大的投资.


  • Accounting will always be a necessity: 有一种说法是,在这个世界上,税收是两件必然的事情之一——这对会计师来说是件好事. While not all accountants focus on taxation, 财务责任和准确性对任何企业来说都是必不可少的. Even as technology advances and automation increases, 会计师将需要他们的批判性思维技能和战略投入.
  • Demand for accountants and auditors is growing: Currently, there are over 1.3 million accountants and auditor jobs in the United States, with 125,085 jobs posted on average every month. Plus, 预计会计领域的增长速度将远远快于所有职业的平均水平.
  • An accounting degree might be more flexible than you think: 会计学位是任何商业职业的良好基础. 无论你是否渴望在一个组织的最高领导层工作,还是自己创业, 会计学位提供了一般的业务核心和金融监管方面的深厚专业知识, responsibility and reporting.

What Jobs Can I Get With an Accounting Degree? 


“会计学位让你有能力看到整个财务状况, while also being very analytical and detail-oriented,” says Annette Hoelzer, Lead Faculty Accounting at Franklin University. “An accounting degree teaches you perseverance, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力可以让你为任何职业道路做好准备.”


  • For accounting majors who don’t have a CPA: Bookkeeping, 会计和审计文员是初级职位,主要负责会计管理方面的工作. They are a great way to get experience before pursuing the CPA. If you're interested in preventing fraud, you can pursue a job as a financial examiner, 哪一个是成为法务会计师的长期职业或培训基地.
  • 对于那些拥有会计学士学位和注册会计师的人来说:注册会计师是最著名的会计职称. 没有其他认证能够撰写审计报告或对上市公司的财务状况发表意见, 是什么让注册会计师自然而然地成为会计师或审计师.
  • 对于拥有会计硕士学位和注册会计师的人:公司控制人, 财务主管和风险经理是所有类型的财务经理,会计硕士学位和注册会计师(或其他金融认证)可以帮助你脱颖而出.
  • 对于那些想在不同的金融领域工作的会计专业学生:获得会计学位并不意味着你必须成为一名公共会计师. 你也将为更大范围的商业和金融工作做好准备, including financial analyst, budget analyst and operations research analyst.

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How Much Will An Accounting Degree Cost?

The cost of an accounting degree can vary widely. 学位水平、院校类型和毕业时间都是重要的变量. To help you begin to understand the cost of an accounting degree, 这里是学士学位和硕士学位的平均年学费.

Degree and InstitutionAverage Yearly Tuition (2019-20)
Bachelor’s Degree at Public Four-Year$8,730
Bachelor’s Degree at Private Non-Profit Four-Year$36,360
Master’s Degree at 4-Year, Public $8,990
Master’s Degree at 4-Year, Private Non-Profi$31,140

*Source CollegeBoard

Here are a few tips for finding an affordable accounting program:

  • 探索提供更低的每学分学费和更灵活的完成学位的在线课程.
  • 找一所有慷慨的学分转换政策的大学,允许你将以前获得的学分或专业证书应用到你的学位上.
  • Consider the total cost of your degree by factoring in fees, outside costs and financing opportunities, rather than only tuition rates.


Ready to make your move in accounting? 在mg不朽情缘游戏网址的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.


How Can I Make My Accounting Degree Work Harder for Me? 

学士学位使你有资格担任入门级职位,也是达到注册会计师要求的第一步. 但如果你想把你的会计学士学位提升到一个新的水平,请考虑:

  • Completing a master’s degree in accounting. To qualify to take the CPA you need to complete 150 credit hours, 哪一个通常比学士学位和会计硕士学位所需的学分多30个学分. If you have to take the courses anyway, 为什么不获得另一份能让你与众不同的证书,提高你对薪水的期望呢? 
  • Getting your CPA license. A CPA is the gold standard for public accountants. If you want to work at an accounting firm, large company or government, 你很可能需要你的注册会计师资格来晋升入门级职位.
  • Getting specialized financial certifications. 如果你想在风险管理等领域专攻, finance and investments, management accounting, taxes or auditing, 获得这些领域的认证将帮助你为成功做好准备.

How Will an Accounting Degree Prepare Me to Succeed?

一个会计学位会教会你一些硬性的和可转移的技能, 给你一个全面的技能,为你在商业的几乎每一个方面取得成功做好准备.

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Choose Franklin University for Your Accounting Degree

mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供完全在线的会计学士和硕士学位, 为在职专业人士完成学位提供灵活性. All Franklin faculty have extensive professional experience, 提供独特的见解,帮助您将理论应用于现实世界的情况. 此外,课程作业不断更新,以反映行业需求并整合新技术.

Explore our Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Master’s Degree in Accounting to see how these degrees can help you achieve your career goals.

Free Guide:
Kick-starting and Advancing Your Accounting Career