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对于任何考虑将数据分析作为职业领域的人, 机会很多,行业增长不会很快放缓. 根据劳动力分析公司Lightcast的数据,数据科学家的职位增加了5%.从2022年到2023年将增长9%,远高于行业平均增长率2%.9%. This positive trend has spawned a boom of academic 和 career resources available to those wondering how to get into data analytics.

Now is a great time to consider the benefits of a career transition 和 pursue the growing field of data analytics. 


据博士说. Nimet Alpay博士.D.M .的项目主席.S. mg不朽情缘游戏网址数据分析专业, 数据分析是, “the scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better decisions 和 offering new opportunities for a competitive advantage. 这个科学的过程包括收集, 组织, 转换和建模数据以识别模式, 并将发现传达给利益相关者.” 

统计, 数学, computational 和 domain-specific techniques are used by data analysts during this process to derive useful, 来自可用数据集的有意义的信息. 


对于任何考虑如何进入数据分析作为可能的职业轨道的人, 在权衡你的选择时,有几个专业的好处需要考虑.

1. 强劲的就业前景

而数据科学家的职位增加了5%.2022-2023年9%, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that employment for data scientists is projected to grow 35% from 2022 to 2032, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多. About 17,700 openings for data scientists are projected each year, on average, over the decade. 很明显,现有的需求将继续增长, 然而,准备填补这些职位的专业人才的供应并没有跟上, which gives qualified c和idates an even greater advantage as organizations seek out new talent. 

数据科学家职位的强劲增长, 全国平均工资为103美元,501, 让它成为一个强有力的职业选择.

Other related job positions in the field of data analytics saw the following growth from 2022-2023, 根据 Lightcast™:

  • 统计(4.83%)
  • 管理分析师(2).95%)
  • 高等教育教师(1.72%)
  • 计算机程序员(1).01%)

有各种各样的专业职位可以利用数据分析. 浏览数据分析师的职位描述是了解这些职位的一个好方法, 以及上述职位的职位描述, 确定哪些是你感兴趣的.

Get a FREE roadmap that includes insider information to help you maximize the many opportunities in the fast-growing field of Big Data.

2. 影响力技术的早期采用者

数据分析师往往是先进技术工具的早期采用者, 发现即将到来的趋势,并作为积极变革的关键利益相关者. Their proactive recommendations 和 insights to decision makers position them as critically important members of any team.

3. 不仅仅是技术知识

除了编码, 统计知识, 以及建模技巧, 数据分析的职业生涯比表面上看到的要复杂得多. 

作为一个跨学科领域, effective teamwork 和 positive collaboration between experts from various fields is a must. 总是朝着最终目标前进, a data analyst or data scientist determines the right questions to ask of all parties involved to uncover hidden information in complex datasets. These questions provide the data analyst with the answers that will guide them in crafting a recommendation to stakeholders on next steps 和 decisions to be made. 这个过程需要很强的沟通技巧, 清晰和直接的沟通是项目成功和有效性的关键. 

4. 许多公司都雇佣数据专家

As companies from a wide variety of industries rely more 和 more on data to fuel their business strategy, 很多公司都非常需要数据科学家. 根据LighcastTM, companies that fall within these categories are most likely to hire data scientists 和 similar positions related to data analytics:

  • 计算机系统设计及相关服务
  • 公司和企业的管理
  • 管理、科技咨询服务
  • 科研开发服务
  • 保险公司
  • 软件出版商

5. 远程的灵活性

如果你想在数据分析领域谋得一个远程职位, 基本的供求经济等式对你有利.

据博士说. Alpay, 随着大流行后的办公室搬迁, many companies are trying to find ways to attract qualified data analysts for the open positions. Companies still offer many remote or hybrid positions for data analysts since the dem和 for such qualified employees is quite high.”


要想在数据分析领域取得成功,你可以采取以下几个步骤, 即使你之前没有工作经验. 

1. 参加正规教育. 

以配合该领域数据分析的快速增长, formal education opportunities have followed suit with data analytics bachelor’s 和 master’s program completion growing 223% since 2012 (Source: LightcastTM). 直到最近, those pursuing data-focused careers had to enroll in traditional degree programs such as mathematics, 统计数据, 生物统计学, 经济学, 计算机科学与计算机工程. 在这个瞬息万变的世界里, many educational institutions have responded to the dem和 for data analytics with more tailored program offerings.

在mg不朽情缘游戏网址, students pursuing an online bachelor's degree in data analytics can specialize in one of three areas

  • 应用数据科学 – Learn to solve contemporary business challenges through the application of technical skills in 编程, 云计算和数据管理. 
  • 业务分析 – Fuel data-based decision making 和 problem solving by combining foundational knowledge of data analytics 和 business insights.
  • 医疗分析 -接受医疗保健管理方面的全面培训, informatics 和 systems that will enable you to leverage data for difference-making results. 

想让你的事业更上一层楼? mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供在线数据分析硕士学位 该课程可以在19个月内完成,其中包括统计学课程, 编程, 数据管理, 数据可视化, 数据挖掘, 机器学习和高级分析.

2. 通过培训和经验发展相关的技术技能. 

虽然具体的技术技能可能因工作岗位而异, here is a list of common technical skills you may find in a data analyst job description 和 how frequently they appear in LightcastTM reported job postings.

  • SQL (19%)
  • 工作流程管理(14%)
  • 微软Excel/Office (12%)
  • Java (8%)
  • Python (7%)
  • SAS (6%)
  • 表(6%)
  • R (4%)

据博士说. Alpay, additional required technical skills include statistical skills such as building 和 explaining models, 机器学习技能, 数据挖掘技能和数据可视化技能.

寻找兼职实习或入门级工作, 基于项目的合同是培养这些技术技能的好方法. Bolstering your experience allows you to learn more about the industry while experiencing first h和 what a career in data analytics looks like before committing to formal education or more extensive training.

如果你想继续培训, mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供完全在线的数据分析证书课程 在短短八个月的时间里,这些技能就得到了提高. 和, 如果你认为一个完整的学位课程适合你, 通过获得证书, 你已经修完了硕士学位所需学分的一半.

3. 与数据分析专家建立联系.

如果你已经认识从事数据分析工作的人, 与他们进行面试,以获得对该职位和领域的利弊的宝贵见解. Ask to shadow them for a couple of hours while they work so that you can see exactly the type of tasks they perform on a typical day.

LinkedIn is also a valuable tool to leverage for connecting with data analytics experts you don’t already know. 关注他们的LinkedIn活动,观察他们发布和互动的内容类型, 和 connect with them to ask questions 和 perhaps set up a meeting to chat about the field.

许多公司,如  分析领域的女性, 学术数据科学联盟, 美国统计协会数字分析协会 建立领英商务页面,你可以关注这些页面获取信息并参与其中.

《mg不朽情缘试玩的分析学》 是一个将mg不朽情缘试玩学生和顾问委员会成员联系起来的领英小组吗, 来自业界的教师和专家. 群组成员也可以访问招聘信息, 专业发展活动, 研讨会, 谈话和聚会活动. 


如果你对数据分析感兴趣, mg不朽情缘游戏网址的在线学位是一个很好的开始. 提供一个 B.S. 分析-应用数据科学, M.S. 在数据分析 和一个 数据分析证书课程, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is a flexible option to pursue data analytics while continuing to work or care for family. 

除了获得高质量的学位, all data analytics students at mg不朽情缘游戏网址 are connected to industry professionals, such as academic advisor board members who are willing to regularly invest time into their education. These industry professionals 和 experts from the data science 和 data analytics fields are invited as program guest speakers to deliver real world insight into the industry, 对于任何希望进入数据分析职业的人来说,这是一项宝贵的资产. 

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